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I.R.S. Argues Mylan's Contract is a License of Drug Rights – Not a Sale

Volume 2 No 9   |   Read Article

By Stanley C. Ruchelman, Andrew P. Mitchel, and Christine Long

The question of the proper treatment of a contract transferring exclusive rights to the use of a patent – as a sale or a license – is one that has been addressed many times in U.S. jurisprudence. It has recently popped up again in a case before the U.S. Tax Court involving the generic pharmaceutical giant Mylan Inc., a company that has been the subject of much negative publicity arising from its inversion and subsequent re-immersion as a U.S. domestic company.

In September, the I.R.S. filed a memorandum in support of a motion for summary judgment. We explain the basis for the I.R.S. position and comment on its merits.  See more →