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Domestic Partnerships Treated as Entities and Aggregates: New Approach for G.I.L.T.I. and Subpart F

Volume 6 No 9    |    Read Article

By Neha Rastogi and Stanley C. Ruchelman

The effects of the 2017 U.S. tax reform continue to be encountered in unexpected ways. Two prime examples are the final and proposed G.I.L.T.I. regulations issued by the I.R.S. earlier this year. These 2019 regulations attempt to bring order out of the chaos created by proposed G.I.L.T.I. regulations released in September 2018. In their article, Neha Rastogi and Stanley C. Ruchelman look at how the rules treat a domestic partnership and its partners when determining who is – and who is not – a U.S. shareholder of a controlled foreign corporation. The answer affects the application of the G.I.L.T.I., Subpart F, and P.F.I.C. rules. For those who follow the debate over whether a partnership is an aggregate of the partners or an entity that is separate from the partners, chalk up a victory for the proponents of the aggregate approach.    See more →