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In the Fight Against Money Laundering, Europe Tackles Cash Controls

Volume 5 No 9    |    Read Article

By Galia Antebi

In early October, the European Council adopted a regulation aimed at improving controls on cash entering or leaving the E.U. The new regulation provides necessary tools to address threats arising from terrorist financing, money laundering, tax evasion, and other criminal activities. It is based on current standards for combating money laundering and terrorism financing developed by the Financial Action Task Force (“F.A.T.F.”). Among other things, the new regulation requires a declaration of unaccompanied cash – that is, (i) cash sent by post, freight, or courier shipment and (ii) highly liquid instruments and commodities, such as checks, traveler’s checks, prepaid cards, and gold. Once the new regulation is signed by the European Council and the European Parliament, it will be published in the E.U. Official Journal and will enter into force 20 days thereafter. Galia Antebi explains all.   See more →