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Major International Tax Reform in Israel – Proposal Takes Aim at Tax Residence Rules

Volume 10 No 1    /    Read Article

By Boaz Feinberg and Rosa Peled (Guest Authors)

In November 2021, the Israel Tax Authority Committee for International Tax Reform published a report proposing substantial reform to international tax rules in Israel. Regarding rules for determining tax residence in Israel, the purported goal was to simplify the rules for determining an individual’s tax residence. To that end, it introduces a day-count rule as a supplement to the existing center-of-vital-interest rule. Boaz Feinberg, a Partner of Arnon, Tadmor-Levy Law Firm in Tel Aviv and Rosa Peled, an associate at the law firm of Arnon, Tadmor-Levy Law Firm in Tel Aviv, explain that for most taxpayers, the center-of-vital-interest rule will continue to apply. However, because assessing officers will no longer address cases at the fringes, where the day-count rule is applied, more assessing offices can free-up to examine the remaining cases based on the center-of-vital interest rule.   See more →