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Peeling the Onion to Allocate Subpart F Income – This Will Make You Cry!

Volume 6 No 5    |    Read Article

By Neha Rastogi and Stanley C. Ruchelman

When Congress expanded the definition of a “U.S. Shareholder” in the T.C.J.A. by requiring the measurement of value as an alternative to voting power, it opened a Pandora’s box of issues. First, more U.S. Persons became U.S. Shareholders. Second, it imposed a difficult task for shareholders and corporations to measure relative value of all classes of shares and all holdings of shareholders. Finally, many plans based on the existence of direct or direct or indirect dividend rights of foreign shareholders were shut down. Proposed regulations will modify the way Subpart F Income is allocated to various classes of shares having discretionary dividend rights. Neha Rastogi and Stanley C. Ruchelman explain the broadened scope of income inclusions under Subpart F.    See more →