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Strategies for Foreign Investment in Indian Start-Ups

Volume 6 No 3    |    Read Article

By Raghu Marwah and Anjali Kukreja (guest author)

Foreign investment in Indian high-tech start-ups can yield significant profit opportunities for savvy investors. During 2018, over 1,000 deals were struck, reflecting $38.3 billion in new investments. If these investments turn out to be profitable, the tax exposure for the investor will vary with the form of the investment. Choices of investment vehicles include (i) L.L.P.’s, (ii) Category I, Subcategory I alternative investment funds (“A.I.F.’s”) registered with the Securities Exchange Board, (iii) Category III A.I.F.’s, and (iv) trusts. Each has unique tax consequences for investors receiving dividends and realizing gains. Raghu Marwah and Anjali Kukreja of R.N. Marwah & Co L.L.P., New Delhi, explain the entities choices and the resulting tax costs.  See more →