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The More You Know, The More You Don't Know – U.S. Tax Issues on a Disposition of a Foreign Business

Volume 9 No 1    /    Read Article

By Neha Rastogi and Stanley C. Ruchelman

When a U.S. person disposes of a business situated in a foreign country, the nature of the gain as capital or ordinary and the source of the gain may sound like simple issues that require simple tax advice. It may, however, turn out to be far more complex as one begins to review the relevant provisions of U.S. tax law in light of the facts and circumstances that exist. It is not uncommon for issues to pop up, one after the other and on a never-ending basis. In their article, Neha Rastogi and Stanley C. Ruchelman discuss the various U.S. Federal income tax issues that must be addressed by a U.S. seller in connection with a sale of a business as a going concern held indirectly through an entity that is treated as a disregarded entity for U.S. tax purposes. Mind-blowing complexity is not an overstatement.  See more →