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Tax 101: Transactions in FX - A Primer for Individuals

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In our last issue, we discussed the recent I.R.S. guidance on bitcoins which, in general, stated that transactions in bitcoins should be treated as transactions in property under the general rules of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) rather than the special rules applicable to foreign currency. We therefore thought it would be useful to provide a primer on common transactions involving foreign currency (sometimes hereinafter referred to as “FX”) with respect to U.S. individuals.


The first thing to note about engaging in transactions involving foreign currency is that foreign currency is treated as any other asset. Think stocks, bonds, or real estate. When an individual buys foreign currency, that individual has a basis in the FX (e.g., Euro) similar to any other investment. When the individual sells that foreign currency, that individual will have a realization event, in which case gain or loss may have to be recognized. Whether the character of that gain or loss is ordinary will depend on the specific transaction and the applicability of Code §988, as will be discussed in more detail below.

Example 1

Mr. FX Guy, a U.S. citizen individual, buys real property located in the U.K. for 100,000 British pounds (£) on January 1, 2014. In order to effectuate the purchase, Mr. FX Guy uses £100,000 that he purchased for $150,000 on January 1, 2012 when the exchange rate was $1.5 to £1. Assume on January 1, 2014, the exchange rate was $2: £1 as the British pound appreciated against the U.S. dollar. The £100,000 has a basis of $150,000. It was acquired on January 1, 2012 and disposed of on January 1, 2014. The disposition is a sale of an asset (in this case, the FX). The amount realized is the fair market value of the consideration received, or $200,000. Accordingly, the taxpayer has a gain of $50,000 attributable to the foreign currency that must be recognized. The character of the gain, and the applicability of §988, will depend on whether the transaction was a “personal transaction.”

Insights Vol. 1 No. 3: Update & Other Tidbits

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On December 5, 2013, proposed and final Treasury Regulations were published, relating to U.S. source dividend equivalent payments made to nonresident individuals and foreign corporations. On February 24, 2014, a correction to the proposed regulations was published, which tackles errors contained in the 2013 proposed regulations. The corrections mainly clarify the 2013 proposed regulations and prevent any potential misleading caused by their formulation. In addition, on March 4, 2014, the I.R.S. released Notice 2014-14, which states that it will amend forthcoming regulations to provide that specified equity-linked instruments (“E.L.I.’s”) will be limited to those issued on or after 90 days following publication of the final regulations. This will allow additional time for financial markets to implement necessary changes.


On March 25, 2014, H.K. and U.S. governments signed a Tax Information Exchange Agreement (“T.I.E.A.”) confirming their commitment to enter into an I.G.A., subject to ongoing discussions. The T.I.E.A. will apply to profits tax, salaries tax, and property tax in H.K. and will cover federal taxes on income, estate and gift taxes, and excise taxes in the U.S.

The O.E.C.D.'s Approach to B.E.P.S. Concerns Raised by the Digital Economy

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On March 24, 2014, ten days after the O.E.C.D. released its public discussion draft on prevention of treaty abuse, a second public discussion draft was released, addressing the tax challenges of the digital economy (the “Discussion Draft”).

The Discussion Draft emphasizes the concept that the digital economy should not be ring-fenced and separated from the rest of the economy, given its relationship to the latter. It provides a detailed introduction to the digital economy, including its history, components, operations, and different actors. Surprisingly, it does not propose any groundbreaking approaches to addressing the base erosion and profit shifting (“B.E.P.S.”) challenges encountered in the digital economy. It simply reflects an approach that is consistent with the fight against B.E.P.S. – seeking to determine where economic activity takes place in the digital economy in order to best achieve taxation in a non-abusive fashion.

The Discussion Draft singles out six factors that characterize the digital economy in light of B.E.P.S. concerns:

  1. Mobility of all facets of the digital economy, including the intangibles used, the users themselves, and the business functions carried on by various players in the business model;
  2. Reliance on data;
  3. Network effects;
  4. Use of multi-sided business models;
  5. Tendency towards monopoly or oligopoly; and
  6. Volatility

The O.E.C.D. Announces Global Standard for Automatic Exchange of Information

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As we noted in our prior issue, the Leaders of the G-20 Summit endorsed automatic exchange of information reporting to combat tax evasion in September 2013. In particular, they stated:

We commend the progress recently achieved in the area of tax transparency and we fully endorse the OECD proposal for a truly global model for multilateral and bilateral automatic exchange of information. Calling on all other jurisdictions to join us by the earliest possible date, we are committed to automatic exchange of information as the new global standard, which must ensure confidentiality and the proper use of information exchanged, and we fully support the OECD work with G20 countries aimed at presenting such a new single global standard for automatic exchange of information by February 2014 and to finalizing technical modalities of effective automatic exchange by mid-2014. In parallel, we expect to begin to exchange information automatically on tax matters among G20 members by the end of 2015.

On February 13, 2014, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (“O.E.C.D.”) announced a global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information. Over 40 countries made a joint statement an committed to an early adoption of this standard. On February 23, 2014, the G-20 finance ministers and central bank governors endorsed the proposal.

Dividend Equivalents: Past, Present and Future

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Code §871(m) of the Code was enacted as part of the H.I.R.E. Act on March 18, 2010 and treats “dividend equivalents” as U.S. source dividends for withholding tax purposes. On January 23, 2012, Temporary Regulations (the “2012 Temporary Regulations”) and a notice of proposed rulemaking (the “2012 Proposed Regulations”) were published. The 2012 Proposed Regulations and Temporary Regulations provided guidance relating to U.S. source dividend equivalent payments made to nonresident individuals and foreign corporations. They also provided guidance to withholding agents. Correcting amendments to the 2012 Temporary Regulations were published on February 6, 2012, on March 8, 2012 and on August 31, 2012. On December 5, 2013 new proposed regulations (the “2013 Proposed Regulations”) withdrew the 2012 Proposed Regulations. In addition and at the same date, final regulations (“2013 Final Regulations”) were published that essentially adopted the 2012 Temporary Regulations.


Code §871(m) defines a dividend equivalent as one of the following:

  • Any substitute dividend made pursuant to a securities lending or a salerepurchase transaction that (directly or indirectly) is contingent upon, or determined by reference to, the payment of a dividend from sources within the United States;
  • Any payment made pursuant to a specified notional principal contract (“N.P.C.”) that (directly or indirectly) is contingent upon, or determined by reference to, the payment of a dividend from sources within the United States; and
  • Any other payment determined by the Secretary to be substantially similar to a payment described in the two previous categories (a substantially similar dividend).

Walking in the Wilderness: The Experiences of a French Tax Lawyer Practicing in the U.S.

Published in GGi Insider No. 67, September 2013.

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