Video | Webinar on State Aid & Tax: E.U., Benelux & U.S. Aspects
- Welcome by Pieter Kuypers (AKD and Radboud University)
- EU-law aspects of State Aid - Tom Binder (AKD)
- Luxembourg State Aid case of Fiat Chrysler - Sanja Vasic (AKD)
- Dutch State Aid case of Starbucks - Mieke van Dulmen (AKD)
- Belgian Excess Profit Rulings case - Vicky Sheikh and Werner Heyvaert (AKD)
- U.S. tax impact for U.S. headquartered corporations of State Aid reimbursements ordered by the EU Commission - Stanley C. Ruchelman (Ruchelman P.L.L.C., New York)
- Q&A and concluding remarks - Howard M Liebman (Jones Day and recently retired President of AmCham Belgium and Université Libre de Bruxelles)