
Foreign Persons Investing in U.S. Real Estate

Investment Funds: Information Obligations (FATCA), Tax Treaty Entitlement and Related Issues

Update on Inversion Transactions & Expatriated Entities

Something is Happening, But You Don't Know What It Is - Proposed International Tax Changes in the U.S.

Joint Session of FAUST, FLF, Transfer Pricing and USAFTT: Important Developments

Canada & U.S. Cross-Border [Tax] Affairs

Active vs. Passive - Subpart F for U.S. Persons Withholding Taxes for Foreign Persons

U.S. Multinationals & Assembling the U.S. Tax Provision

Home Sweet Home Away From Home

U.S. International Tax Compliance Substance Over Form - Reportable Transactions

Fundamentals of International Taxation: Income Tax Treaties