New Belgian Federal Government Announces Significant New Tax Measures
/Volume 12 No 2 / Read Article
By Werner Heyvaert (Guest Authors)
The most recent general election in Belgium took place in June, but a new government was not sworn in until February, when the five-member coalition government agreed to a federal government agreement, a document of 200 pages in a single language containing many significant tax measures. Tax items addressed include, inter alia, (i) the replacement of a dividends received deduction by a simple exclusion, (ii) the modernization of the group contribution regime, the Belgian equivalent of group relief, making it more flexible and simpler to coordinate, (iii) the simplification of the investment deduction rules, the Belgian equivalent of investment credits in the U.S., (iv) the adoption of accelerated depreciation rules for CAPEX investments, (v) the adoption of a “solidarity contribution,” a 10% capital gains tax on financial assets held by individuals, allowing a basis step-up to current value as of the effective date of the tax, (vi) simplification of disallowed expense rules, and (vii) the adoption of carried interest rules for managers of investment funds. Werner Heyvaert, a senior international tax lawyer based in Brussels and a partner at AKD Benelux Law Firm explains these and other tax provisions. The takeaway is that Belgium is modernizing its tax rules. See more →