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Qualified Opportunity Zones: Second Set of Proposed Regulations Offers Greater Clarity to Investors

Qualified Opportunity Zones: Second Set of Proposed Regulations Offers Greater Clarity to Investors

The Opportunity Zone tax benefit, which was crafted as part of the 2017 tax reform, aims to encourage taxpayers to sell appreciated capital properties and rollover the gains into low-income areas in the U.S.  One major benefit – reducing recognition of deferred gains by up to 15% – is available only to investments made before the end of 2019, although other benefits will continue to be available to later investments.  The clock is ticking on the 15% reduction, and the I.R.S. is accelerating the issuance of guidance.  In late April, the I.R.S. released a second set of proposed regulations that address many of the issues that were deferred in the initial set.  They also address issues raised by written comments and testimony at the well-attended public hearing in February.  In their article, Galia Antebi and Nina Krauthamer lead the reader through the important and the practical parts of the second set of guidance.

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Additional Guidance on New Opportunity Zone Funds

Additional Guidance on New Opportunity Zone Funds

Days after Galia Antebi and Nina Krauthamer published “The Opportunity Zone Tax Benefit – How Does It Work and Can Foreign Investors Benefit,” the I.R.S. issued guidance in proposed regulations. Now, in a follow-up article, Galia Antebi and Nina Krauthamer focus on the new guidance as it relates to the deferral election and the Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund. In particular, they address (i) which taxpayers are eligible to make the deferral election, (ii) the gains eligible for deferral, (iii) the measurement of the 180-day limitation, (iv) the tax attributes of deferred gains, and (v) the effect of an expiration of a qualifying zone status on the step-up in basis to fair market value after ten years.

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The Opportunity Zone Tax Benefit – How Does it Work and Can Foreign Investors Benefit?

The Opportunity Zone Tax Benefit – How Does it Work and Can Foreign Investors Benefit?

State Aid to entice investment and development in a specific region is bad in Europe but encouraged in the U.S. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act added an important new provision that is expected to unlock unrealized gains and defer the tax on the gain when it is invested in active operating businesses in distressed areas designated as “Opportunity Zones.” The tax is deferred until the targeted investment is sold, or until 2026 at the latest. A progressive partial step-up in basis is also granted if the investment is held for a minimum of five years. The entire appreciation in value of the new targeted investment is excluded from tax if held for ten years. In a plain English primer, Galia Antebi and Nina Krauthamer explain the concept and the necessary implementation steps and consider whether the new provision can eliminate F.I.R.P.T.A. tax for foreign investors.

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