
F.B.A.R. Update: What You Need to Know

F.B.A.R. - Litigation Aspects

Trusts in Cross Border Estate Planning

FATCA for Those on This Side of the Ocean/Border

Video | International Wealth Management and Private Equity - A Lucky Life

Video | International Wealth Management and Private Equity - A Lucky Life

Galia Antebi's segment begins at 2:27.

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Three Traps When Sending Clients or Funds to the United States

New Information and Reporting Challenges for the Swiss Financial Sector

Cross Border Issues in Trusts & Estate Matters

F.A.T.C.A. and the U.S./Canada I.G.A.

FATCA for Those on This Side of the Ocean/Border

B.E.P.S. from the U.S. Perspective: Analyze Locally, Think Globally

U.S. Tax Update: Issues Involving Foreign Financial Accounts

U.S. Outbound Investment Life Cycle

FATCA Update and the European Versions

Transfer Pricing Today - Where Tax Meets Business Case Study Illustration

Foreign Persons Investing in U.S. Real Estate: Partnership and Other Structures, Opportunities and Traps

FATCA - It Is Here, Now Do Something About It!

Roundtable Discussion: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

U.S. Tax Summary Following Fiscal Cliffhanger