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How New York Courts Provide Broad Support to Parties Engaged in International Arbitration and Litigation

Volume 8 No 6    /    Read Article

By Dan J. Schulman (Guest Authors)

Why is an international tax journal addressing the broad scope of remedies available to parties in foreign litigation or arbitration? The reason is simple. Clients enter transactions, transactions blow-up, and parties sue or can be sued. Even if the parties, the contract, or the dispute at issue have little or no connection to New York, potential documents, assets, or witnesses may be located within the State. If so, New York courts can provide tools (i) to obtain broad information vital to a pending foreign proceeding, (ii) to attach assets to secure an ultimate recovery or incentivize settlement, or (iii) to enforce final judgments or awards, including seizure of assets and other post-judgment remedies. These are important tools to a litigator. Dan J. Schulman, a commercial litigator based in New York, explains all. He has over 35 years of experience managing complex commercial litigations, arbitrations, and appeals in New York, and shares the tools that are available to parties in a litigation.  See more →