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Insights Vol. 5 No. 3: Updates & Other Tidbits

Insights Vol. 5 No. 3: Updates & Other Tidbits

This month, Tomi Oguntunde, Sheryl Shah, and Nina Krauthamer look briefly at four recent developments in international tax: (i) the E.U. counteroffensive to U.S. tax reform involving stricter tax rules, (ii) the amendment of Form 1023-EZ, which is a streamlined application for non-profit entities applying for tax exempt status, (iii) Spain’s crackdown on celebrities attempting to evade tax, and (iv) Luxembourg’s continued pushback against the Amazon State Aid case.

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Amazon Makes the C.U.T. – An Important Taxpayer Win, A Reminder to Consider Transactional Evidence

Amazon Makes the C.U.T. – An Important Taxpayer Win, A Reminder to Consider Transactional Evidence

Last month, Insights reported on the Tax Court decision in Amazon v. Commr., involving the “buy-in” payment made as compensation for the right to use pre-existing I.P. in a related-party cost-sharing arrangement (“C.S.A.”).  This month, Michael Peggs comments on the lessons learned from the taxpayer victory in that case regarding (i) the transfer pricing method used, (ii) the assumptions made and analyses used to value the buy-in payment, and (iii) the correct treatment of intangible development costs within the term of the C.S.A.

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