Other Publications



The Importance of Earnestly Modeling Earnouts: Pitfalls and Planning Relating to the Purchase of a Service Business

The Importance of Earnestly Modeling Earnouts:  Pitfalls and Planning Relating to the Purchase of a Service Business

In representing a taxpayer interested in purchasing a business, it is important for tax counsel to understand, in simple terms, what each party is seeking to accomplish. The tax adviser’s greatest contribution is often simply asking the right questions and then taking the time to think through the structure from different angles in a manner that helps the client reach a decision. In a light-hearted approach to the subject, Andreas Apostolides takes the reader through the various alternatives available in negotiating the purchase and sale of a service business conducted through a tax-transparent entity such as an L.L.C. Some alternatives may work; others may not.

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Corporate Matters: Earnouts

What is an earnout?  When is it used?  How long a term should be considered when computing an earnout?  Simon H. Prisk explores the ins and outs of this useful corporate acquisition tactic that makes a portion of the purchase price contingent on a target company achieving certain milestones.

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