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Anti-Abuse Rules of Temp. Reg. §1.245A-5T – A New Cerberus for the U.S. Tax System

Anti-Abuse Rules of Temp. Reg. §1.245A-5T – A New Cerberus for the U.S. Tax System

In a companion piece to the preceding article, Andreas A. Apostolides and Stanley C. Ruchelman explore many of the anti-abuse rules attached to the foreign D.R.D. provisions. These rules are designed to close the door on financial products that undermine the I.R.S. view of the global biosphere comprised of the D.R.D., Subpart F, P.T.I., and G.I.L.T.I. The goal is to ensure that the benefit of the foreign D.R.D. is not expanded beyond boundaries viewed proper by the writers of the regulations. The D.R.D. is not a tool to shift profits abroad and to bring those profits back to the U.S. tax-free.

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