When Baskets Go Beyond Weaving – Understanding Foreign Tax Credit Baskets Under the Look-Through Rules
/While the word “basket” may trigger a mental image of a bicycle with a daisy basket that is a gift in early childhood, the term has a totally different connotation in the tax world. It denotes “foreign tax credit baskets” to an international tax geek in the U.S. The foreign tax credit provisions are among the most complicated areas of U.S. and become further complicated when a “U.S. Shareholder” of a Controlled Foreign Corporation includes income in one year but receives distributions in another. In their article, Neha Rastogi and Stanley C. Ruchelman explore the labyrinth of the foreign tax credit provisions that are designed to ensure that (i) income and (ii) related foreign taxes are reported in the same foreign tax credit basket. The takeaway is that, if the exercise is not computed properly, double taxation of income is sure to arise.
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