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Economic Distortions Arising from Deferral

volume 2 no 4   /   Read article

By Christine Long

This month, our team delves into the Joint Committee Report addressing international tax reform in a series of articles.The report explains what corporate tax executives know but most tax advisers and voters forget: The after-tax returns can be greater when one chooses to build a plant outside the U.S. Moreover, it never makes sense to repatriate the earnings and trigger the recognition of deferred tax expense. Is this the way to manage an economy? Christine Long comments.  See more →

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Major U.S. Drug Company Avoids Billions in Taxes on $1,000 Pill

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Gilead Sciences Inc. (“Gilead”) has developed one of the most expensive drugs available and is avoiding billions of dollars in U.S. taxes by holding its profits outside of the U.S.

The U.S. company has produced a hepatitis C treatment that costs $1,000 per pill. The treatment, which consists of a 12-week regime of its hit drug, Sovaldi, and another pill called Harvoni, costs $94,500 and has alleviated the hepatitis infection and successfully cured most patients of hepatitis C. Since receiving approval for Sovaldi from the Food and Drug Administration in 2013, the profits poured in for Gilead.

New Centralized Approach to International Audits

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Federal budget cuts have resulted in a new risk-based approach to international audits by the Large Business & International (“L.B.&I.”) division of the I.R.S.

On February 27, Sharon Porter, acting director of International Business Compliance within the L.B.&I., announced that the I.R.S. will “re-engineer” its approach to international audits and begin implementing a pilot program utilizing an experimental centralized method of risk assessment.

Insights Vol. 2 No. 2: Updates & Other Tidbits

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A Connecticut business executive, George Landegger, pled guilty to willfully failing to report $8.4 million held in Swiss bank accounts to the I.R.S. During the early 2000’s until 2010, Landegger maintained undeclared accounts which reached a maximum value of over $8.4 million at an unidentified Swiss bank.

While Landegger’s defense attorney confirmed that Landegger has not been accepted to the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (“O.V.D.P.”), Landegger, according to the prosecutors, repeatedly rejected the possibility of disclosing his undeclared accounts to the I.R.S. through the O.V.D.P. and instead proactively took steps to conceal his accounts. Landegger held his undeclared accounts in a sham entity formed by a Swiss lawyer under the laws of Liechtenstein. In August 2013, the Swiss lawyer pled guilty to tax fraud conspiracy charges and has been cooperating with prosecutors.

Landegger agreed to pay a civil penalty of over $4.2 million and more than $71,000 in back taxes as part of his plea, entered on January 15, 2015. Landegger’s sentencing will be held May 12. He faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison. In his statement, I.R.S. Acting Special Agent-in-Charge Thomas E. Bishop stressed that uncovering hidden offshore accounts and income is the Service’s top priority and that it will continue working with the Department of Justice to do so. This case illustrustrates the importance of a timely O.V.D.P. submission.


President Obama has proposed a 28% tax rate on capital gains for couples with $500,000 in annual income and eliminating the stepped-up basis on inherited investments. Obama believes that these tax increases will help to pay for expanded benefits for middle- and low-income households. Congressional Republicans have indicated that they would not support Obama’s proposal.

Follow-Up Draft of Report on Action 6 (Treaty Abuse) and Public Comments Released

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Comments on the O.E.C.D.’s public discussion draft to the follow-up work on B.E.P.S. Action 6 (the “Follow-Up Draft”) were released on January 12, 2015. Action 6 of the B.E.P.S. Action Plan focuses on preventing treaty abuse and treaty shopping, which the O.E.C.D. has identified as being one of the most important sources of B.E.P.S. concerns.

The Follow-Up Draft modifies the “Report on Action 6 (Prevent the granting of treaty benefits in appropriate circumstances)” and identifies 20 issues on which interested parties may provide comments. It focuses on matters related to the application of the limitation on benefits (“L.O.B.”) rule and principal purpose test (“P.P.T.”) as well as the treaty entitlement of collective investment vehicles (“C.I.V.’s”) and non-C.I.V. funds. The 20 issues identified by the Follow-Up Draft and addressed in the comments are as follows:

Issues Related to the L.O.B. Provision

  • C.I.V.’s: application of the L.O.B. and treaty entitlement,
  • Non-C.I.V. funds: application of the L.O.B. and treaty entitlement,
  • Commentary on the discretionary relief provision of the L.O.B. rule,
  • Alternative L.O.B. provisions for E.U. countries,
  • Requirement that each intermediate owner be a resident of either Contracting State,
  • Issues related to the derivative benefit provision,
  • Provisions dealing with “dual-listed company arrangements,”
  • Timing issues related to the various provisions of the L.O.B. rule,
  • Conditions for the application of the provision on publicly-listed entities, and
  • Clarification of the “active business” provision.

Insights Vol. 2 No. 1: Updates & Other Tidbits

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Judicial authorities in India are recommending that the country adopt a similar position as the United States with respect to offshore bank accounts. While investigating the “black money” held in undeclared Swiss bank accounts by 628 wealthy Indians, two of the judges recommended that tax evasion should constitute a criminal offense and not simply a civil one.

The scandal has been at the forefront of both political discussion and legal debate since there is a fine line that is being straddled between disclosing and punishing these tax evaders versus violating the confidentiality clause from the Indian-Swiss tax treaty. According to the treaty, these account names can only be revealed once charges identifying the specific individual have been filed.

In India, “black money” has always been an obstacle to tax collection. Black money constitutes undeclared income that has been “hidden,” profits from the undervaluation of exports, and earnings from fake invoices or unaccounted-for goods. Black money not only affects the national treasury, but has fueled corruption, too. According to the judges, classifying tax evasion as a criminal offense, and dealing with these lawbreakers more strictly should serve as a deterrent.


In conjunction with its audit of Microsoft’s cost-sharing transfer pricing methods for the 2004-2006 tax years, the I.R.S. has filed a petition for enforcement of an issued summons for 50 types of documents, including those relating to marketing, R&D, financial projections, revenue targets, employees, studies, and surveys.

B.E.P.S. Actions 8, 9 & 10: Assuring that Transfer Pricing Outcomes are in Line with Value Creation

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On December 19, 2014, the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (“O.E.C.D.”) released a discussion draft on Actions 8, 9, and 10 of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“B.E.P.S.”) Action Plan (“Discussion Draft” or “Draft”). Actions 8, 9, and 10 reinforce the goal of assuring that transfer pricing outcomes are in line with value creation.

In July 2013, the O.E.C.D. published the B.E.P.S. Action Plan for the purpose of establishing a comprehensive agenda to resolve B.E.P.S. issues. The B.E.P.S. Action Plan identifies 15 actions to combat B.E.P.S. and establishes deadlines for application of each action.

The Discussion Draft introduces revisions to Chapter I of the Transfer Pricing Guidelines and addresses the related topics in Actions 8, 9, and 10. Specifically, the Discussion Draft focuses on the development of the following:

(i) rules to prevent B.E.P.S. by transferring risks among, or allocating excessive capital to, group members. This will involve adopting transfer pricing rules or special measures to ensure that inappropriate returns will not accrue to an entity solely because it has contractually assumed risks or has provided capital. The rules to be developed will also require alignment of returns with value creation.

(ii) rules to prevent B.E.P.S. by engaging in transactions which would not, or would only very rarely, occur between third parties. This will involve adopting transfer pricing rules or special measures to: (i) clarify the circumstances in which transactions can be recharacterized.

(iii) transfer pricing rules or special measures for transfers of hard-to-value intangibles.