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O.E.C.D. on Digital Business – Seriously?!

Volume 6 No 2    |    Read Article

By Christian Shoppe (guest author) and Stanley C. Ruchelman

On February 13, 2019, the O.E.C.D. issued a discussion draft addressing the tax challenges of the digitalization of the economy and asked for feedback in a shockingly brief timeframe. Is the discussion draft — which in many respects mimics G.I.L.T.I. provisions and highlights the value of a market as a key determiner of profit allocation — a move away from value of functions? In a stealth way, it may be a precursor to a global B.E.A.T. Christian Shoppe of Deloitte Deutschland, Frankfurt, cautions that the ultimate destination of B.E.P.S. may be added complexity in tax laws and expanded opportunity for double taxation. Bad news for taxpayers; more work for tax advisers.   See more →