code §6103 — Publications — Ruchelman P.L.L.C.

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Does Powell Offer Taxpayers Meaningful Protection in Cross Border E.O.I. Requests?

Does Powell Offer Taxpayers Meaningful Protection in Cross Border E.O.I. Requests?

In Through the Looking-Glass, Humpty Dumpty advises Alice that when he use a word it means just what he chooses it to mean – neither more nor less. The same may be trues with regard to treaty based exchanges of information. When language in a treaty seems to prevent a treaty partner state from misusing the exchange of information provision, the affected individual may have no recourse to prevent the enforcement of an I.R.S. summons. Andreas A. Apostolides and Stanley C. Ruchelman explain that courts in the U.S. will not typically question the good faith of the foreign tax authority.

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