common reporting standard (CRS) — Publications — Ruchelman P.L.L.C.

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Looking to the Future: European Efforts Against Tax Evasion Take Center Stage – Where Will It Take Us?

A globalized economy has been the driving force behind cross-border tax transparency and increased dissemination of tax information in recent years.  The importance of F.A.T.C.A. reporting has paled as the O.E.C.D. Common Reporting Standard has taken effect in the E.U., State Aid cases are progressing, and country-by-country reports may be publicly available.  Europe and the U.S. are moving in different directions.  Philip R. Hirschfeld and Stanley C. Ruchelman explain.

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A Year of Guest Features

A Year of Guest Features

This month, we reminisce on the best of 2016, with articles contributed by guest authors from around the world.

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Global Exchange of Information: How Does the U.S. Fit into the Puzzle? Meet the U.S. Foreign Trust

Global Exchange of Information: How Does the U.S. Fit into the Puzzle? Meet the U.S. Foreign Trust

In the context of a model 1 I.G.A. under F.A.T.C.A., the U.S. undertakes certain reciprocal information exchanges.  But reciprocal may not mean equal.  This produces interesting results when a U.S. foreign trust is formed by a foreign individual.  Galia Antebi and Nina Krauthamer compare C.R.S. reporting and F.A.T.C.A. reporting in the context of a U.S. foreign trust that invests in U.S. assets producing tax-free income for a foreign investor.

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The Common Reporting Standard – A Global F.A.T.C.A.?

The Common Reporting Standard ("C.R.S.") for the automatic exchange of information by financial institutions is now in effect for the 56 jurisdictions that are Early Adopters. How will the C.R.S. work and who will be affected? How does it interact with F.A.T.C.A. I.G.A.’s? Richard Addlestone of Solomon Harris, Grand Cayman answers these and other questions.

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Insights Vol. 2 No. 7: F.A.T.C.A. 24/7

July and August were busy months for F.A.T.C.A. developments. We explain the highlights:  The I.R.S. notified countries with early I.G.A.’s that more favorable provisions are available, but the notice may escalate the on-boarding controversy with Canada and the U.K.  The Common Reporting Standard (C.R.S.) is moving forward – either with or without U.S. participation – and global F.I.’s must adjust reporting systems.  Iceland and the United Arab Emirates publish F.A.T.C.A. guidance.  Belarus ratified the I.G.A. with the U.S. Italy published an implementation decree for exchange of information. Turkey and Slovakia signed Model 1 I.G.A.‘s. Mauritius and Luxembourg extend local F.A.T.C.A. reporting deadlines.

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Busy Month for B.E.P.S.

The busy season for the B.E.P.S. Project opened at the end of July, as O.E.C.D. Working Parties completed their assignments. Readers may wish to see how the world will look after all B.E.P.S. Actions are completed. Galia Antebi and Stanley C. Ruchelman discuss several developments.

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Insights Vol. 2 No. 6: F.A.T.C.A. 24/7

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On July 1, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“F.A.T.C.A.”) celebrated the first anniversary of its implementation. F.A.T.C.A. was created to improve international tax compliance and combat offshore tax evasion. Notwithstanding dire predictions about its impact on the financial community when F.A.T.C.A. was first enacted in 2010, the sky has not yet fallen as of its first anniversary.

Insights Vol. 2 No. 3: F.A.T.C.A. 24/7

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Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets, requires the disclosure of certain foreign financial assets owned by U.S. citizens, resident alien individuals, and nonresidents who elect to be treated as resident alien individuals for U.S. tax purproses. (E.g., a nonresident alien having a U.S. citizen spouse may elect be treated as a U.S. resident for purpose of filing a joint income tax return.) Form 8938 is attached to the individual’s income tax return for the applicable year (starting with tax year 2011) and must be filed by the due date for said return, including extensions.

Updates to the 2014 instuctions for the Form 8938 reporting requirements were announced on March 10, 2015 and incorporate final Treasury Regulations under Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) §6038D, adopted in December 2014. The final regulations are effective for taxable years beginning after December 19, 2011. The update contains additional information not included in the updated instructions for Form 8938. Taxpayers and their tax return preparers must review these recent changes to the form’s instructions to make sure it does not affect their filing obligations.

Dual Resident Taxpayers

A dual resident taxpayer, within the meaning of these regulations, is an individual who is considered a resident of the U.S. under the Code and applicable regulations because he or she meets the “Green Card Test” or the “Substantial Presence Test” and is also a resident of a treaty country (pursuant to the internal tax laws of that country). The updated instructions apply to dual resident taxpayers who determine their income tax liability for all or a portion of the taxable year as if they were nonresident aliens (pursuant to a provision of an income tax treaty that provides for resolution of conflicting claims of residence by the U.S. and its treaty partner).

Insights Vol. 1 No. 10: Updates & Other Tidbits

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Israel has announced that it will adopt the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information: Common Reporting Standard (“C.R.S.”) issued by the O.E.C.D. in February 2013.

The C.R.S. establishes a standardized form that banks and other financial institutions would be required to use in gathering account and transaction information for submission to domestic tax authorities. The information would be provided to domestic authorities on an annual basis for automatic exchange with other participating jurisdictions. The C.R.S. will focus on accounts and transactions of residents of a specific country, regardless of nationality. The C.R.S. also contains the due diligence and reporting procedures to be followed by financial institutions based on a Model 1 F.A.T.C.A. intergovernmental agreement (“I.G.A.”).

At the conclusion of the October 28-29 O.E.C.D. Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, about 50 jurisdictions had signed the document. The U.S. was notably absent as a signatory to the agreement. In addition to the C.R.S., the signed agreement contains a model competent authority agreement for jurisdictions that would like to participate at a later stage.