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U.K. Adopts Public Register of People with Significant Control Over U.K. Corporations

Think you can hide behind a corporate shell in order to avoid notoriety? Think again if you own a company or L.L.P. formed in the U.K. These entities are now being required to maintain a statutory register setting out the individuals who are considered “persons with significant control,” and beginning in July, the registers are to be made available to the public. Naomi Lawson and Melanie Jory of Memery Crystal, London, explain of this new, transparency-seeking legislation and provide commentary on the multitude of potentially adverse consequences.

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Exchange of Information: Israel Inches Toward International Norms

The State of Israel depends on immigration for growth in population and capital. Favorable tax rules and confidentiality rules are key pillars of the policy to promote immigration. In a world that is obsessed with B.E.P.S., Israeli policy towards confidentiality is experiencing change. Boaz Feinberg and Ofir Paz of ZAG-S&W, Tel Aviv discuss the scope of that change.

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India Budget 2016-17

On February 29, 2016, the Indian Finance Minister presented Budget 2016-17 and Finance Bill, 2016 to the Indian Parliament. Significant amendments to the tax law reflecting several B.E.P.S. recommendations and key economic policy proposals were announced. Jairaj Purandare, the Founder and Chairman of JPM Advisors Pvt. Ltd. explains the winners and losers.

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B.E.P.S. Initiative Spawns Unfavorable Permanent Establishment Court Decisions

Two court cases in different parts of the world attack tax plans premised on the absence of a permanent establishment. Pertinent U.S. income tax treaties, with Japan and India respectively, were effectively ignored in each case. Taketsugu Osada, Christine Long, and Stanley C. Ruchelman explain.

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The Meanderings of the Taxation of U.K. Real Estate: Where Are We Going?

For those who are considering the acquisition of U.K. real property for personal use, an unhappy surprise awaits. The U.K. government is actively waging a tax campaign against structures commonly used for these acquisitions and referred to derisively as “Enveloped Dwellings.” Increased stamp duty on land transactions, annual tax on Enveloped Dwellings and related capital gains charges, and extended scope of inheritance tax take the sizzle out of high-value purchases. Naomi Lawton of Memery Crystal L.L.P., London ruminates on this puzzling development.

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The Common Reporting Standard – A Global F.A.T.C.A.?

The Common Reporting Standard ("C.R.S.") for the automatic exchange of information by financial institutions is now in effect for the 56 jurisdictions that are Early Adopters. How will the C.R.S. work and who will be affected? How does it interact with F.A.T.C.A. I.G.A.’s? Richard Addlestone of Solomon Harris, Grand Cayman answers these and other questions.

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Portugal: A Race Towards Tax Competitiveness – The Non-Habitual Tax Resident Regime

As part of our series addressing favorable tax rules for non-domiciled resident individuals in various countries, Alexandra Courela and Susana A. Duarte of Abreu Advogados in Lisbon explain the Portuguese approach in extending tax benefits to new arrivals holding “Golden Visas” or who otherwise qualify for work-related visas for the performance of designated high value activities. Employment income from services performed in Portugal is taxed at a low rate and foreign source service income may be exempt from tax if certain conditions apply. Foreign-source plain vanilla investment income and gains may be exempt, too.

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What is the Future for New Immigrant Benefits?

Continuing our series on favorable tax rules for non-domiciled resident individuals, Guy Katz and Danielle Halimi of Herzog Fox and Neeman in Tel Aviv explain the Israeli tax benefits for those individuals who are categorized as “New Immigrants.” Benefits begin with a ten-year exemption for foreign-source income and gains – the exemption applies to both tax and information reporting. Regular returning residents receive generous but scaled back benefits. Remittances from abroad are not penalized with tax.

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Spanish Tax Regime for Incoming Professionals

Heard of the “Beckham Law” that limits income tax in Spain for certain non-domiciled individuals? Think of European football (soccer) players. Pablo Alarcón Espinosa of Alarcón-Espinosa, Abogados in Madrid explains how persons migrating to Spain for work purposes can avail themselves of a reduced tax regime for domestic income and an exemption for foreign income and gains. Like Switzerland, remittances from abroad are not penalized with tax.

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The Forfait Tax Regime in Switzerland – A Venerable Alternative

The Swiss forfait tax regime is discussed by Michael Fischer of Froriep in Zurich. The forfait is battle-tested and has beaten back a referendum in 2014 that would have repealed the benefit. Beware – the forfait is not available in all cantons and the minimum tax rate varies widely. In comparison to the U.K. and Ireland, remittances from abroad are not penalized with tax.

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Non-Dom Taxation: Ireland as an Alternative to the U.K.

The benefits and possible pitfall of Ireland’s non-domiciled taxation rules are explained by Lisa Cantillon and Jane Florides of Kennelly Tax Advisers in Dublin. Remittance based taxation remains strong in Ireland, but planning is required to steer clear of deemed remittance traps and to minimize inheritance tax exposure.

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U.K. Non-Dom Taxation – Where it is and Where it is Going

With the 15-year limit enacted to remittance based tax rules for non-domiciled individuals resident in the U.K., we offer a series of articles this month addressing favorable tax rules for non-domiciled resident individuals in several countries. Gary Ashford of Harbottle and Lewis L.L.P. in London is the lead-off author, explaining the U.K. tax and immigration rules and suggesting strategies for the long-term non-domiciled resident who faces the 15-year ceiling. The ceiling becomes effective in 2017.

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Indian MAT Exemption

Following months of debate, the Indian Finance Ministry recently clarified that the Minimum Alternate Tax (M.A.T.) will not apply to foreign companies that do not have a permanent establishment and/or place of business in India.  Shibani Bakshi and Sheryl Shah discuss why the announcement is an affirmation of India’s positive attitude towards foreign investment.  The next move is up to the Indian Revenue.

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An Englishman in New York – Tax Considerations for Foreign Individuals

The phrases “green card” and “U.S. citizen” have the ability to strike panic and even terror in tax advisors around the world. What inspires this fear? What tax challenges do foreign individuals face when they are present in the U.S. on a temporary, non-immigrant basis?

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The Past, Present, and Future of Luxembourg Special Purpose Companies

Amid a global context of widespread budget deficits, it seems that politicians have finally discovered that multinational enterprises, entrepreneurs, and high net worth individuals have recourse to legal frameworks that allow for the tax efficient structuring of investments. This article addresses the evolution of international tax planning through the use of Luxembourg S.P.V.’s from its origins to its heyday and future prospects in light of ongoing discussions at the level of the O.E.C.D. and the European Commission.

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Tax Court Strikes Down I.R.S. Position on Stock-Based Compensation in Altera Case

Is the Altera case important because it struck down the I.R.S.’s stock-based compensation regulations related to cost sharing agreements? Or is it important because of the procedural analysis, which enabled the Tax Court to be in position to strike down a regulation? Beate Erwin, Stanley C. Ruchelman, and Michael Peggs explain why the case is important for both reasons. 

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The (Non) Recognition of Trusts in Germany

Have you ever thought of using a trust to hold property for the benefit of a German resident or to hold property in Germany? Your first roadblock: Germany is a civil law jurisdiction that does not recognize common law trusts. However, the path need not end there. Guest author Alexander Fürwentsches of Baker Tilly Roelfs, in Munich, explains the pitfalls and possible benefits.

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Is an E.U. Financial Transactions Tax Coming in 2016?

Although the origins of the Financial Transactions Tax (“F.T.T.”) date back to the 1970’s, the European Commission first proposed a European Union-wide financial transactions tax in 2011. The proposal came at a time when many Europeans were concerned about the bad behavior of large banks and several E.U. countries were spending billions of dollars to bail out failing banks, while imposing austerity measures to counterbalance the impact on their budgets. Elizabeth V. Zanet and John Chown ponder whether the E.U. will adopt an F.T.T. now that 11 states have agreed to work on its implementation. Open issues exist.

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2015 Summer Budget Announced in U.K.

The first Conservative budget in almost 20 years was announced in July. Large corporations are the winners. Non-domiciled individuals and hedge fund partners holding carried interests are the losers. More funds were appropriated for tax shelter witch-hunts. Martin Mann, Paul Howard, and John Hood of Gabelle L.L.P., London tell all.

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U.K. Implements 25% “Google Tax” on Diverted Profits

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The U.K. has implemented the controversial diverted profits tax on the profits of multinational companies that are “artificially diverted” from activity within the country. This 25% levy became effective on profits arising on or after April 1, 2015. At this point, it is unclear whether the outcome of the Parliamentary election on May 7 will impact the enforcement of the diverted profits tax, which was enacted without thorough examination by Parliament.

U.K. officials claim multinational corporations are manipulating the tax system and have imposed the 25% levy to prevent companies from avoiding a taxable presence in the U.K. This corporate diversions tax is aimed at entities that transfer profits to lower tax jurisdictions, away from the U.K. The diverted profits tax is being called the “Google tax” because it addresses the practices of well-known international entities such as Google Inc., Amazon.com Inc., and Starbucks Corp. that have used the U.K.’s permanent establishment and economic substance rules to craft tax advantages within the bounds of the law. Legislators have held hearings within the last year on how these three companies in particular have been able to generate billions of dollars in revenue in the U.K. but report little or no taxable profits.

The U.K. tax authority, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (“H.M.R.C.”), introduced a draft of the diverted profits tax last fall and quickly implemented the legislation ahead of the May 7 election. There is great concern about the legislation’s complexity and that its hasty enactment will only result in future revisions, which will further complicate the matter. On the whole, the government is targeting transactions that it does not favor even though they are legal, and the tax itself is being criticized for undermining the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project executed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.