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Fanny Karaman Offers Insights for Start-Ups and French Companies Moving to the U.S.

On April 4, Associate Fanny Karaman was the keynote speaker at the French-American Bar Association diner conference “Fiscalite US de ma Societe Francaise et de ma Start-Up.”

The dinner, hosted in French, addressed commonly-used U.S. entities and U.S. tax treatment of corporations, partnerships, and L.L.C.’s, as well as U.S. tax treatment of common French entities (S.A., S.A.S., S.A.R.L., S.C./S.C.I., and S.N.C.), including default classification rules and "check-the-box" regulations.

A copy of the presentation is available here: Société Française et Start-Up Américaine: Traitement Fiscal Américain