Other Publications



Information Reporting on Foreign Trusts and Gifts – New Regulations

Information Reporting on Foreign Trusts and Gifts – New Regulations

On May 8th, the Treasury Department and the I.R.S. proposed regulations regarding information reporting in the context of U.S. persons, foreign trusts, and gifts from non-U.S. persons. When adopted in final form, they will affect (i) U.S. persons who engage in transactions with, or are treated as the owners of, foreign trusts and (ii) U.S. persons who receive large gifts or bequests from foreign persons. The scope of the proposed regulations is broad, and many existing regulations are affected. Wooyoung Lee and Stanley C. Ruchelman take a deep dive addressing specific regulatory provisions that are affected. Many “open doors” that currently exist have been closed. The authors tell all, linking explanations in the preamble to the proposed regulations with specific regulations in the proposal.

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I.R.S. Issues Proposed Regulations on Information Reporting for Digital Assets

I.R.S. Issues Proposed Regulations on Information Reporting for  Digital Assets

Digital assets are considered to be a form of intangible property and exchanges of digital assets or transfers for cash are taxable events under U.S. tax law. Compliance with income tax rules on income recognition from the disposal of digital assets is viewed to be low. As part of the move to enforce compliance, the I.R.S. recently issued the first of several sets of proposed regulations intended to provide greater clarity on information reporting rules that are designed to enhance compliance. The list of transactions that must be reported by brokers has been expanded to include dispositions of digital assets in exchange for cash, other digital assets, stored-value cards, broker services, or other property subject to reporting under Code §6045. In his article, Wooyoung Lee explains (i) the proposed definition of a digital asset for reporting purposes, (ii) persons considered to be brokers covered by the reporting obligations, (iii) the definition of a sale in a digital asset transaction, and (iv) the scope of information that must be reported.

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