Other Publications



Information Reporting on Foreign Trusts and Gifts – New Regulations

Information Reporting on Foreign Trusts and Gifts – New Regulations

On May 8th, the Treasury Department and the I.R.S. proposed regulations regarding information reporting in the context of U.S. persons, foreign trusts, and gifts from non-U.S. persons. When adopted in final form, they will affect (i) U.S. persons who engage in transactions with, or are treated as the owners of, foreign trusts and (ii) U.S. persons who receive large gifts or bequests from foreign persons. The scope of the proposed regulations is broad, and many existing regulations are affected. Wooyoung Lee and Stanley C. Ruchelman take a deep dive addressing specific regulatory provisions that are affected. Many “open doors” that currently exist have been closed. The authors tell all, linking explanations in the preamble to the proposed regulations with specific regulations in the proposal.

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When It Comes To Penalty Abatement, Is the I.R.S. Offside?

When It Comes To Penalty Abatement, Is the I.R.S. Offside?

When it comes to abatement of penalties regarding late filing of international information returns, the voluntary disclosure system adopted by the I.R.S. in its Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures suggests that penalties may be assessed but that there is a procedure to have them abated. In practice, penalties always seem to be assessed and the standard that must be met in order to have them abated is high. Reasonable cause from the viewpoint of a taxpayer need not be reasonable when reviewed by an I.R.S. Appeals Officer. Wooyoung Lee looks at the decided cases and the approaches taken by the I.R.S. to reduce penalties without fully abating them. He also comments on the facts of a case that has been filed in U.S. District Court challenging the apparent policy of mitigation rather than full abatement.

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International Practice Unit: Monetary Penalties for Failure to File Form 5471

The I.R.S. has initiated increased enforcement efforts to ensure compliance with information reporting obligations. Such efforts include increased assessment of penalties. Galia Antebi explains.

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Taxpayers Take Note: I.R.S. Publishes Audit Guides for International Examiners

U.S.-based companies facing an I.R.S. examination of international operations may secretly wish to obtain an advance look at how I.R.S. examiners plan to carry out the examination. After all, what better way to prepare for a test than to get the questions in advance? Surprise – the Large Business & International (LB&I) Division of the I.R.S. has published its training guides for examiners.

LB&I is responsible for examining tax returns reporting international transactions, and it is in the process of revising the method by which returns are chosen for examination and the the process by which those examinations are conducted. Several aspects of the guidance will be addressed through out this edition of Insights. Stanley C. Ruchelman explains.

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